Page 15 - Equestrian Blogs, Horse Owner Guides & News

  1. Indoor Dressage Season

    Indoor Dressage Season

    Preparing for the indoor dressage season

    Before we know it, many dressage competitions will be moving inside, and the winter season will be in full swing. It’s a different beast to outdoor dressage and can bring its own challenges. Here are 12 things to consider before you venture indoors

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  2. Worming Horses - How often should you worm your horse?

    Worming Horses - How often should you worm your horse?

    Harry Hall One Club members can access 16 additional benefits with their membership. These benefits include money off events, discounts on therapy systems, arena mirrors, trailer hire, personalised gifts, brownies, magazine subscriptions and horse wormers and more.


    In this blog

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  3. How do you retrain an ex race horse?

    How do you retrain an ex race horse?

    Thoroughbreds are a versatile breed and after racing, many go on to have successful careers in eventing, dressage, show jumping and as pleasure horses.

    Every year over 3,000 horses leave behind their racing careers in search of a new job. Some are youngsters, others will have raced successfully

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  4. Infrared Rugs for Horses

    Infrared Rugs for Horses

    Infrared Rugs for Horses - What do they do?

    Not convinced by FIR technology? Confused at how infrared could help your horse? Heard of Protechmasta but not sure what it really is or does? Then this blog on infrared rugs for horses is for you! If you have any further questions on the

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  5. Is Hard Ground Bad for Horses?

    Is Hard Ground Bad for Horses?

    In the winter months, we worry about splodging through the mud, in the summer we worry about the ground being too hard. Makes sense hey? The life of a horse owner is a constant rollercoaster of checking the weather, stamping on the ground and checking the grass coverage, in this blog we look at whether

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  6. How ArcEquine can help Laminitis

    How ArcEquine can help Laminitis

    Chances are that as a horse owner or a regular rider you’ll have experienced Laminitis in one form or another by now. Laminitis can vary in severity from a just a hint of lameness causing discomfort, to – in the worst cases – the total collapse of the pedal (or coffin) bone known as “sinking” which could

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  7. How to Start Horse Riding

    How to Start Horse Riding

    For many people horse riding is a way of life, something they learnt at a young age and they’ve rarey had a day without riding ever since. For others, horse riding is a dream, a “never got round to trying” or “never had the chance”. If you fall into the latter category then

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  8. Riding in the Summer

    Riding in the Summer

    Harry Hall is bursting at the seams with horse lovers, from our Customer Service team to Finance, Design and Marketing we own 12 horses between us. So who better to ask for top tips in getting your horse, stable and you ready for summer riding. The team share their top tips below:


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  9. 5 Exercises for Young Horses

    5 Exercises for Young Horses

    Masta testing partner, professional dressage rider and trainer Melissa Chapman from Team Chapman Dressage has compiled 5 great exercises for young dressage horses, we hope

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